Relentless IPA
10-gallon New England IPA homebrew recipe
Created by Jason Lowery of Steele City Brewing
Boy, do we have a beer for you!
This New England IPA from our friend Jason Lowery of Steele City Brewing is sure to crank it up to 11. Literally bursting with all New Zealand hops, it's a concoction made to showcase the complex aromas and flavors of the Southern Hemisphere. Fire up the kettle and buckle up, this one's gonna be fun.
So, without further ado, let's get into this recipe. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions! Happy brewing!

Relentless IPA
10-gallon New England IPA homebrew recipe
Created by Jason Lowery of Steele City Brewing
Target Water Profile |
145 ppm Ca |
19 ppm Mg |
3 ppm Sodium |
60 ppm Sulfate |
173 ppm Chloride |
147 ppm Bicarbonate |
Grain / Adjunct Bill
Pilsner Malt | 25 lbs 13.5 oz |
Flaked Oats | 3 lbs 12.8 oz |
Flaked Wheat | 3 lbs 12.8 oz |
Wheat Malt | 3 lbs 0.6 oz |
Carapils | 1 lb 8.3 oz |
Hop Additions |
2.47 oz Motueka | Mash Hop (see brewer's notes below) |
1 oz Motueka | 90 minutes |
0.87 oz Nelson Sauvin | 10 minutes |
0.87 oz Riwaka | 10 minutes |
3.48 oz Motueka |
Whirlpool 30 min at 204°F
3.48 oz Nelson Sauvin |
Whirlpool 30 min at 204°F
3.48 oz Riwaka |
Whirlpool 30 min at 204°F
5.3 oz Motueka |
Dryhop at day 7
5.3 oz Riwaka |
Dryhop at day 7
7.06 oz Motueka |
Dryhop at day 14
3.53 oz Nelson Sauvin |
Dryhop at day 14
Other Ingredients |
5.75 g Yeast Nutrient | 10 mins left in boil |
Yeast: Jason uses Wyeast 1318. For a dry yeast substitute, we recommend Lallemand LalBrew London ESB.
Mill the grains and get 13 gallons of strike water ready. Mash in, add mash hop addition, and hold at 152°F for 60 minutes.
Recirculate until your runnings are clear, then run off into the kettle.
Sparge and top up as necessary to get about 13 gallons of wort. If brewing a 5-gallon batch, start boil with 6 gallons.
Boil for 90 minutes, adding hop additions at times designated above in the "Hop Bill" section.
After the boil, whirlpool as follows: Get temp of wort to 204°F. Stir or recirculate to create a vortex, add the whirlpool addition hops, and allow 30 minutes to steep.
Chill the wort to 69°F, aerate well, and pitch yeast.
Ferment at 69°F, and dry hop according to schedule above.
At day 12 of fermentation, soft crash if passing diacetyl test to 58°F. Dump the cone, and add last two dry hop additions.
Hold until terminal gravity is reached, then package and carb.
- Drink fresh!
Brewer's Notes
Mash hopping: This is a technique used to bring out thiols and thiol precursors in hops. Read all about how to mash hop here.
Let us know what you think in the comments! If you end up brewing it, hit us up on social media to let us know.
Thanks again Jason from Steele City Brewing for sharing this awesome NEIPA homebrew recipe with us!